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God’s plan for success

Updated: Jun 11

Josh. 1:8 is one of the most familiar passages of scripture because it reveals the significance of the Bible to a Believer’s walk with the Lord. If you want to lead a successful life in the sight of God, this passage contains God’s formula:

1. We must do more than read the Bible, we must (consume it) spend MUCH time meditating upon that which God has revealed. With all the distractions of life, this is the BEST way to redirect our attention away from our plans to His.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,”

2. We must meditate upon God‘s word for the purpose of life transformation more than mere knowledge. If the Bible does not lead to life change, it becomes of no effect to us and in some instances can become a source of pride.

“that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:”

3. A changed heart is reflected in a changed my mind which leads to correct decision making. Right decisions lead to a blessed life which God deems successful.

“for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

LESSON - The world’s idea of success is a life filled with power, prestige, and possessions. God‘s word teaches that you can have all of that and still be completely empty! Live your life for what truly matters so that when you die, your life will matter for all of eternity.


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