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God is at work, even in the details!

Writer's picture: mcoker7mcoker7

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

Even in the details, God has a plan.

Mt 12:15-21 ...He withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all; And charged them that they should not make him known: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

LESSON - Wiersbe says “Jesus withdrew himself not out of fear, but to fulfill Isaiah's prophecy (see Isa. 42:1-3) describing the ministry of the Messiah. He would not argue with His enemies (v19), nor would He bring judgment upon them (v20). The "bruised reed" and "smoking flax" in v20 probably are pictures of Christ's enemies, people whom Christ would not judge until the right time. Notice that the word "Gentiles" appears in v18 & 21, another indication that the King has been rejected by His nation and will turn to the Gentiles.” All of this was part of God’s sovereign plan for salvation being fulfilled in the smallest details. Think about it! If God concerns Himself with the tiniest of details in order to accomplish His will, why would He not do the same for you. From this we should learn that there are no details too small for God’s intervention and no lives too insignificant to His plan. YOU are important to Him!!


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